Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blog 21 | Fourth Interview Reflection

Uncommon Good.
Note: I was unable to interview Dr. Gabe Veas and will hopefully interview him as a part of my IC #2. I interviewed Jesus Sanchez, he has shown the experience needed to share out his own personal story about mentoring programs and how well they effect students.

What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?

  • The most important thing I learned from this interview was the ability of mentoring, and how well it impacts students. I also learned how under represented students receive a harder time to obtain help from resources such as Uncommon Good.

How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

  • I will be using a lot of information from this and previous interviews where I will be hopefully citing them through out my presentation. I am also able to elaborate more on my answers with this specific interview which focuses primarily on my answers.


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