Friday, January 8, 2016

Blog 13 | 10 Hour Mentorship Check-In

Where are you doing your Mentorship?

  • I am currently doing my Mentorship at Uncommon Good.
Who is your contact? What makes this person an expert?
  • My contact is Carlos Carrillo, what makes this person an expert is how long he has spent working at Uncommon Good (10 years).
How many hours have you done over the school year?
  • I have done more than 10 hours through my Mentorship but I plan to record the necessary hours into the hours sheet.
Succinctly summarize what you did, how well you and your mentor worked together, and how you plan to complete the remaining hours.
  • Normally I shadow my mentor seeing what he does. At times I'm able to go to other meetings seeing him present to other students and parents. I plan to complete my hours with my independent component

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